College of Engineering @ USF College of Behavioral & Community Sciences @ USF
Global Center for Hearing and Speech Research

Our success depends on your participation. Through the generous contribution of our research participants, we are able to discover, diagnose, evaluate, and invent. See below to learn more about participating in a study in a Center-affiliated laboratory.

Friends & Supporters

Friends as partners are essential to vibrant, cutting- edge research and development programs. Friend partnerships begin by becoming aware and by participating in various forms or mutually beneficial relationships. Initial positive experiences can then be shared with community friends, leaders, and acquaintances.  This people-to-people activity often can turn into active investment in “peopleships” in the form of student scholarships and faculty research fellowships as well as new or upgraded laboratories, and physical resources. Our Global Center for Hearing & Speech Research circle of friends is complete by gaining support from individuals, private foundations, and corporations.  Friends of the Global Center for Hearing & Speech Research are conduits for discovery, prevention, and therapeutics by promoting hearing and speech science and health care locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.  Private support is essential for undertaking novel, innovative research ideas and experiments necessary for multi-year federal grant applications.

Please contact a member of our Global Center Leadership Team for more information and next steps:
Dr. Robert Frisina  Jr., Director:
Dr. Robert Frisina  Sr., Ad. Director:
Dr. Joseph Walton, Assoc. Director:
Dr. David Eddins, Assoc. Director: